Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura, what is it? And why do we need to make it the main stage in our churches again?
Let’s start with the first word, Sola, which means "alone" and then Scriptura which means “scripture”. These words together quite literally mean "Scripture Alone". When people are talking about sola scriptura they are often referring to the sufficiency of scripture.
Matthew 4:4 “it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that come from the mouth of God”
That is just the first verse that comes to mind when thinking about Sola Scriptura.
Where do words come from? From the mouth. So scripture (God’s Word) is what we are to live on! There is no better or easier way to state that. Scripture alone is the motto for a reason.
John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Does the Word of God tell us everything we want to know? How does a tiny seed become a giant redwood tree, how do black holes form, what is the mathematical equation to figure out the trajectory of a .300 ultra mag aimed at a target 1300 meters away with 24 mph winds east to west from an elevated shooter position? NO, the bible is not going to give us an answer to everything we want to know. But, you know what it does do though? It gives us answers to everything we need. It gives us answers to life's most serious of questions. How and who to take care of, how to be a better person, how to prepare for life after death, how to run a home, city, or nation for that matter. The Scriptures contained in the Bible gives us anything and everything we could possibly ever need.
2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”
Now onto today, how many church leaders, pastors, small group leaders pick a topic of discussion, and then go to the Bible to find verses or stories that fit into their narrative based around said topic? I hear it and see it ALL THE DAGGUM TIME. Now while it is okay to be topical in your sermons or small groups, what is not okay is taking the entire bible to use this way. That is called eisegesis or “reading into” scripture.
Example: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Phillipians 4:13.
I’ve heard this verse preached without even the mention of God's will to spread the gospel, and the fact that if you’re in the Lord's will, doing his work, you can accomplish the goal of spreading the gospel through the strength of Christ. As an example, this verse was used once to pump up a football team losing at halftime. Through prayer, and this verse taken out of context the coach said that is why they won.
What about Jeremiah 29:11 For I Know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Anyone ever heard a Kenneth Copeland, Joel Olsteen, or T.D. Jakes sermon? That verse is taken out of context by every prosperity preacher there is.
John 11:10 “But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.”
Here at The Fort we used the exact opposite when studying Scripture. We use a process called Exegesis, which means, to “take out” of. Or to find the actual meaning. We are not coming to the word with an idea and trying to make it fit, we are coming to the word, studying it, and then taking out of it what it says. You can do it too. There are a few hermeneutical principles to look at to do it properly, but it is the best way to get practical application from these ancient texts.
The Reformers of the 16th century also believed this. That's how they studied, and why the protestant movement ended up happening. They were convinced that they didn’t need to be told what the scriptures said, and they knew they needed to read it themselves. They knew everyone else did as well. They knew that man was sinful, and “The Church” at the time couldn’t be relied upon to give us the scripture directly. That is why the reformation happened. So we could have the very word of God for ourselves and to make these interpretations and applications to our lives the way God intended. Not just by listening to the word, but by being able to study it. These reformers found that scripture alone is the only authority we should submit our spiritual lives too.
We live in a fallen world where we have to submit to a job and government, but our submission to Christ and our submission to God’s will comes first. As receivers of an inheritance through adoption, our submission to God by honoring Him with everything we do always comes first.
Soli Deo Gloria, Glory to God Alone
Just like a carpenter has a hammer, mechanics have wrenches, and police officers have handcuffs, a Christian's equipment is Scripture. It alone has everything you need.
Sola Scriptura- Soli Deo Gloria
Warriors For Christ
What exactly does it mean to you when you hear… “God made man in His own image.” Do you first think of physical appearance?...or even qualities or traits? Or do you go even further and believe maybe He instills in us His heart in order to love us as He does? Well that is a very loaded question to ponder gentlemen. To me, the first thing that comes to mind is the word “man”. When God made man, what exactly did He create? Not just a male, but a “man”…in every sense of the word! What does it mean to be a man? I believe God made every man to be a leader, and a WARRIOR for Christ!
Yes, every man is to be a leader. When something needs to be done, a man seeks to do it. He doesn’t look around for someone else to accomplish the task, he doesn’t make excuses or procrastinate, he doesn’t complain, slander, or gossip. He does not become lazy or complacent. He chooses to make a difference, wherever he is.
As men, we are all leaders. It is what God calls us to be. We are warriors in God’s service, claiming territory from the enemy, and we should all strive to live up to that which God has appointed us. We are not called to worry about the war, but we are called to win the battles in front of us!
“Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows (those in need and the oppressed) in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 1:27
So what does that look like you ask? We must have character within us to live uprightly for Christ day in and day out, to walk through this life with unswerving integrity, living by the Lord’s standards and righteous principles, and have a solid conscience with unwavering convictions 100% of the time. Sounds like a lot doesn’t it? Well, would you believe me if I told you that God equips us for those purposes?
I believe that every man, every leader, every warrior for Christ should strive to have courageous integrity, humility, strength (spiritual and physical), service, and sacrifice. What do these aspects look like in a leader and warrior for Christ?
“Be shepherds of Gods flock that is under your care, watching over them – not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” 1 Peter 5:2-3
This means being a leader in every aspect. It means being a leader as a husband, a father, a brother, a friend, a leader in the church, and in the community. EVERY attribute of leadership runs through our veins as men of God, we need only apply it practically in our every day lives. Men, this is a calling. A calling that we as men better start answering before the time comes when it is too late. I encourage you all to stand up, go to the nearest mirror and take a good hard look at yourself. If you don’t see a leader staring back at you then it’s time for change. It’s time to accept the calling on your life and the purposes for which God made you! It’s time for us to bring the light into the places where darkness lurks. It’s time for us to be the light wherever we go. Our goal should be to be so on fire that those we encounter can’t help but get lit too! Everyone we encounter should not see us, but see Christ in us. It’s time to take the war to the enemy and start winning battle after battle until the kingdom comes. It’s time to fight. It’s time to be a warrior for Christ. It’s time to be a MAN.
“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be strong, and act like a man.” 1 Corinthians 16:13
and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.
Acts 11:26 ESV
The emphasis of this chapter of Acts is Barnabas bringing Paul to Antioch in order to minister to the growing body of believers in that city. The focus of this devotional is the last phrase in the verse,"And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians." While 'Christian' is a common reference today to identify those who profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, its origin was quite different.
The term Christian was first coined by pagans and it was used as an insult. Antioch was a large city and heavily influenced by Roman and Greek culture. In Latin, the suffix 'ian' or 'iani' meant the individual was under the leadership of or follower of another. It typically had a military connotation. For example, a Juliani would be a soldier under the command of General Julius. 'Christian' was a merging of the Greek translation of the Hebrew word Messiah (Christ) joined with the suffix noted previously. The early believers in Antioch seemed strange to their pagan neighbors as they showed Christ-like character. The pagans mocked them as followers of a dead and defeated General, or at least so they thought.
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.
Genesis 50:20 ESV
The pagans had no idea just how wrong they were about the leader of the Christians. Jesus wasn't dead and certainly wasn't defeated. We know the truth is the exact opposite of their beliefs, He's alive and He's sovereign over everything. Nonetheless, the pagans did get one thing right, Jesus is a military leader. The Old Testament uses phrases like Lord of hosts (Jehovah Tsava) or mentions God sending out an angel who in turn devastates the enemy. (Isaiah 37:36) The New Testament also makes it clear Jesus is a military leader. Think about the discussion between Jesus and Pilate or simply read the Book of Revelation, especially Revelation 17:14. Exodus 15:3 sums all of this up perfectly, "The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is his Name."
No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.
2 Timothy 2:4 ESV
Since we're created in the image of God, we are designed for war. We're not the General, but we've been drafted into the General's army. As soldiers for Christ, we're expected to follow His command, follow His example, and follow His strategy. As Paul instructed his disciple Timothy, we aren't focused on worldly pursuits. Instead our focus is on advancing the Kingdom.
Scripture tells us our battle is not against flesh and blood. The enemy seeks to confuse us by attempting to cause division with others. While there are many topics where we have a different worldview than others, they're not our enemy. We glorify God when we address those whose views conflict with ours in the same way Paul addressed the men of Athens at the Areopagus. (Acts 17: 22-34) It’s no coincidence that the Areopagus was also known as the ‘Hill of Ares’ (the Greek mythological god of war).
Scripture tells us to love (agape and philos) one another, the enemy promotes personal sovereignty through the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. We demonstrate love by the way we live. We also show love by warning others of the Truth, with love, and not coming across as their judge.
Scripture tells us to forgive, to show mercy, and to extend grace as has been done for us. The enemy promotes a win at all costs mindset and a philosophy of don't get mad, get even. Our way leads to win-win outcomes while the ultimate objective of the enemy is lose-lose.
There are many other examples of the spiritual battles we face every day. As soldiers in the army of the Lord, ambassadors of the Light, we must remain spiritually and situationally aware at all times in order to push back the forces of darkness.
God has fully equipped us for success. We already have the assurance of victory. We have His Spirit within us, We have His Word in our hearts and minds. We have His armor for protection and to engage. We have our fellow warriors to strengthen, encourage, correct, and train us. As Paul asked, "If God is for us, who can be against us?"
In the current times, the term Christian is not always viewed favorably. Those who oppose God's will see us in a negative light. Many who claim the title aren't willing to live out the requirements. Despite these challenges, those of us who are the remnant must stand strong in our faith against any form of attack. God's Word promises us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Whatever opposition you face, hold fast to this Truth and advance.
We are more than conquerors!
This Was Tough To Write.
Matthew 9:12 “When Jesus heard that He said to them. “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.”
We’ve all heard this in the context of sitting in church listening to the stories of Jesus eating with sinners, tax collectors, and prostitutes. We imagine Jesus sitting there, and the mean ole Pharisees coming around making fun of him like a Veggietales episode, and Jesus puts them in their place with this statement.
What if there is more to it? I believe there is. This is just a very basic logic trail so follow me for a moment.
1.We’re sinners
2.We hear the gospel
3.We have faith it's true
4.We submit to the Lordship of Christ
5.We study His teachings
6.We attempt to obey
7.We fail
8.We repent.
Sections 4-8 are on going, well at least for me. I’m constantly studying, and I’m constantly falling shorts. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
It is through our faith that we are saved by His grace.
1 Peter 1:16 “it is written “be holy for I am holy.”
Well since the above verse is literally impossible for us until we enter Heaven as a new creation we must strive to be that way, and repent when we’re not. As a christian man your prayer life must be built around constant praise for what He has done in your life, and repenting because you deserve none of it.
With all that being said last weekend I spent some time at the Men of Valor Conference with a dear friend Bill, and the topic was that of the alphabet community. I have friends there, and so does he. The reason I met my beautiful bride is because of someone from that community. Bill, like myself, sees the pain they feel, and sees how lost these people really are. It’s all you see on TV, political agendas, and almost everywhere else it’s pandering to that community. Because of this, I believe that’s the biggest disconnect between christians spreading the gospel to them, and them receiving the gospel from us.
How are we going to connect with them let alone any other community of people if all they know of christianity is the one’s screaming with signs at the rallies, that say things like “God Hates Fags” “Trans People Go To Hell” and other crazy things I’ve seen. I see things like that, and it makes me think.
Would Jesus be for this type of behavior when we’re supposed to represent Him?
I personally don’t believe He would. I believe in the story we started with here Jesus took a different approach. I believe he sat with these “sinners” to show them what to do. I don’t believe He “affirmed” their gender identity, or whatever you call it.
Reading through scripture you see where Jesus was 100% Grace, and 100% Truth.
Jesus chose the word “Physician” for a reason. The Greek word is iatros, which literally means doctor. What does a doctor do? A doctor sits with, listens, and then tells you an uncomfortable truth.
How many times have you sat with a doctor and told him everything that is wrong with you, and the doctor goes, well you’re overweight because you don’t eat correctly or exercise. You have lung cancer because you refuse to quit smoking.
These are things that come to my mind when thinking of Jesus sitting with sinners. He was there to not only show grace to them, be nice, and be an example, but also let them hear a hard truth once they had a relationship with Him.
How many relationships do you have in the secular world with the sole purpose of listening to them, loving them, just so that your lifestyle plants, and a seed so when the time comes you’re prepared, and able to give a hard truth from a place of love?
My challenge for you men is to ask that person from a community you call weird, or sinful to lunch or coffee. Get to know them, find out their stories, and share the gospel.
That's what we’re called to do. Love with 100% grace and 100% truth. You don’t have to agree with them. You don’t have to like them, but through showing grace, humbling yourself, and reaching out you will make an impact for the kingdom. If every christian man made just one relationship with a community as small as theirs we could change the perception of christianity in their eyes, and maybe win a soul or two for the Kingdom. The thing is we get so mad because of things they say, or do. We’re judging them based on a biblical standard, but to them that biblical standard doesn’t apply. They don’t know it, and are not bound by it, so how can we judge them based on it, until we get to know them, and they know us, and we have these difficult conversations.
I think this is just another avenue of approach christian men can take in leading the way for The Kingdom of God.
How many of you are fans of change? If I were to guess, I would say most of us do not like change, except for the kind that we can control. Change can be very challenging, even when we have planned for it and believe we are prepared for it. There is always a “curveball” moment in the midst of change. Something that inevitably happens that interrupts the normal rhythm and flow of our everyday lives. Some “curveballs” can be good, but for the most part, all “curveballs” are things we are not expecting. Life is full of twists and turns, loops and setbacks, and it is how we react and adjust to life’s “curveball” moments that define how we will align with God’s purpose in our lives. How we transition through the different seasons in our lives will help us to be obedient to God’s calling. The definition of transition is: the process of changing from one season or condition to another. This is what Solomon had to say about transitions and seasons of life:
“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. 2A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. 3A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. 4A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. 5A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. 6A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. 7A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak. 8A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace. 9What do people really get for all their hard work? 10I have seen the burden God has placed on us all. 11Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” - Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Here Solomon is reminding us that God has purpose and intentionality for every season, for every time, for every phase, and for every single moment of our lives including those “curveball” moments we experience through change. As we discern the seasons of our lives, we are then equipped to connect the correct actions and correct thoughts for the season we are living in. We must remember that this is not a life without hardships and challenges, but one in which we face an enemy daily on the battlefield, and that enemy can throw a wicked “curveball”. But know that it is ultimately God who equips us to be able to handle the “curveball” moments. There is grace given to us for every season, and there is a grace on our lives for the “curveball”. Transitions in life can move us from being single to married, from having one career to another, from living in one state to another, from having kids to your kids having kids, etc. There are always transitions we must navigate through in life and every single one of them have the potential to throw us a “curveball”. Moving from certainty to uncertainty can be daunting, but I encourage you to stay focused on where you are headed. You may not be able to control the circumstances of the outside world but you most certainly can control the circumstances of your thought life, and it is our thoughts that move us to action. The apostle Paul says it like this:
“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” -Romans 12:2
What Paul wrote here helps us to understand that the renewing of our minds can sometimes mean changing behaviors. Do not be conformed but be transformed. Sometimes we have to surrender our identities in transition and adopt a new identity, one where we substitute our priorities with God’s purpose. Gentlemen, what this means is that we must buy in to the fact that no matter what happens in life, we are created to glorify God in all we do. It is for that reason and that reason alone, that we live lives ready for the “curveball” moments we face in transitioning seasons. How? You say. Well, just like in baseball, you train yourself in the batting cage. Train yourself by getting into the Word, staying in the Word, and applying the Word to your life! God has given us the playbook and all we need to do is read it, memorize it, and execute it. Doing that is what prepares us, trains us, and equips us to handle life’s “curveball” moments with grace, dignity, patience, poise, and most of all with love in our hearts knowing that what God has given to us in life is by design to prosper us, bless us, and ultimately to give us everlasting life with our Father in heaven!
There is nothing like the feeling of being prepared at the plate when the enemy throws you a “curveball” and you hit it out of the park. Rounding the bases with confidence in your steps and the Father’s overwhelming love in your heart. And at last, rounding 3rd,and looking up to see God calling you home with open arms! Hit that “curveball” men!
Have you ever wondered “what if” when you read certain stories in the Bible? Like what if the apostles hadn’t been able to actually spread the gospel like they did? What if they had all gotten arrested and killed before they even got started? Was there a “Plan B” for any issues that would have stopped them from going out into the world and telling all nations the good news?
What if Noah and his family had gotten sick and died during or right after the global flood that killed all other humans? Was there a “Plan B” for this situation if it had occurred?
We could look at almost every story in the Bible and ask “what if” this happened instead. What if no one found Moses when his mother put him in a basket and let him go into the river current, what if David had killed Saul when he had the chance, what if David never stepped up to fight Goliath, what if… FILL IN THE BLANK.
We can ask these questions, but the obvious answer is that God has never had to have a “Plan B”. He doesn’t have to because He is in total control of everything. There is no need for a “Plan B” with God.
So, if that is the case, and it absolutely is, then why do we try to worry about anything going on around us? Why are we so concerned about the “what if’s” of our own lives? What if I don’t get the job I am wanting, what if I lose my job, what if the relationship I’m in doesn’t work out, what if my health starts to decline, what if my kids don’t turn out alright, or the countless other things that we worry about. We can be consumed by questioning or worrying about things in our lives. Why can we read through the Bible and see God in total control of everything, yet be so concerned when it comes to difficulties in our own lives? Is He not the same God for us that He was to others that we read about in scripture?!
God is in control and we need to remember that. He never needs a “Plan B” for anything since He is the controller of ALL things!
I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. Job 42:2
Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases. Psalm 115:3
The Lord of hosts has sworn: “As I have planned, so shall it be, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand”. Isaiah 14:24
No matter what you are going through right now, know that God is allowing it for a reason. We might not know the reason, but He does. God is in control so who are we to ask “why” or “what if” about anything? Trust in His reasoning and know that He has no “Plan B” because He doesn’t need one. The plan He has is the one that WILL happen… because He is in control of everything. That should give you peace if you are one of His children. Knowing that our Father has never had a single plan of His going differently than expected means that we should have the strength to go through anything we might face here on earth!
Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!
Psalm 106:3 ESV
We all strive to be seen as men of integrity. We want others to see us as trustworthy, to know we honor our commitments, and to assume our words are truthful. These are just a few of the ways we measure a man's integrity. Of course, God is the ultimate Judge of our integrity. We can give an outward appearance of integrity yet still hide sin that only God can see. When our outward appearance doesn't match our heart, guilt will start to creep in. No matter how well we mask our feelings of guilt, we can't escape our conscience when it's being convicted by the Holy Spirit. A guilty conscience keeps us from living a life of pure integrity.
Psalm 106 contrasts God's integrity with the lack of integrity shown by the Israelites throughout the Exodus and the period of the judges. We can never match God when it comes to integrity. Verse three in Psalm 106, however, lays out specific ways we can align with His expectations and the impact on those who follow them.
The first thing we're called to do is observe or keep justice. This means we make fair and honest assessments of situations, circumstances, and people and follow through with impartial decisions or actions only based on the facts. The second chapter of the Book of James discusses this in verses one through nine. James 2:8-9 concludes the instructions with, "If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors." In the Old Testament, there are several references to the Lord detesting uneven scales. When our decisions on right or wrong, to help or not help, to defend or withdraw take into consideration factors outside the relevant details, our integrity is at risk. This also puts us at odds with God as Paul wrote to the church in Rome, "God shows no partiality." (Romans 2:11) If God expects us to keep justice, we must be like Him and also not show partiality.
God's first expectation, to observe justice, is a response to something that has taken place. The second expectation expressed by the psalmist, do righteousness at all times, calls for us to be proactive. Once again referring to the Book of James, we're called to not only hear the Word but do it. (James 1:22) Specifically, we're to act in accordance with the moral law. (Baker & Carpenter, 2003) Not only must our actions be in accordance, but our heart must be as well. As hard as we try, we'll never fully meet God's expectations. Praise God! As a testimony to His character, He's provided us with His Son and His Spirit. Our faith in Christ alone gives us the ability to be seen as righteous by God. As a reflection of our appreciation, through His indwelling Spirit, we bear spiritual fruit by the actions we take that give evidence of our righteousness. This isn't a sometimes thing or only when we feel like it, God's expectation is that we always act righteously. We also don't turn on and off our righteousness based on who's watching from a human perspective, we do righteousness because it's our calling and to bring glory to God, not ourselves. Integrity isn't a sometimes thing, it's how we live when we're new creations in Christ.
The first word in Psalm 106:3, 'blessed', is the result of keeping justice and always acting righteously. The Hebrew word used for 'blessed' in this verse is not the same one commonly used to imply receiving favor from God or showing God our adoration through worship and obedience. The word used here refers to being happy, joyful, and content. Going back to the foundation of integrity including a clear conscience, if we make just decisions and act in accordance with the will of God, we will be filled with joy and contentment. We don't have to cover things up, remember who we told what to in order to maintain a false image, or avoid people or situations where we might get found out. Instead, we experience the freedom and joy God desires for us.
In the moment, it's tempting to listen to the flesh and take the easy way. Trying to win favor with man instead of pleasing God is just one example. The next time the temptation to make a biased decision or to do an unrighteous action arises, remember Psalm 106:3, it's a simple one to memorize, and choose to align with God's expectations. Psalm 106 continues with what happens to those who don't choose God's way. Learn from the bad choices of the Israelites and seek to meet God's expectations instead.
Baker, W., & Carpenter, E. (2003). The Complete Word Study Dictionary - Old Testament. In W. Baker, & E. Carpenter, The Complete Word Study Dictionary - Old Testament (p. 939). AMG Publishers.
Every man’s favorite verse.
Colossians 3:18 “ Wives submit to your husbands,”
Ephesians 5:22 “ wives submit to your own husbands”
1 Corinthians 11:3 “…… and the head of woman is man.”
1 Timothy 2:11 “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.”
Feels good doesn’t it? God wants us on top. Well
This isn’t going to go the way you think it is.
I hear men complain about their wives, and talk down about situations they find themselves in. It’s pretty daggum aggravating if you ask me.
Ephesians 5:25 “husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her. “
What part of trash talking your bride fits in with that verse?
I don’t think it does.
We submit to Christ because He is our perfect savior. The God who became like us, and showed us He was literally the only one who could do it right. We submit to Christ for his sacrifice on the cross. If we’re going to be punished, and we deserve to be, but Jesus stepped in and said “no I’ll take it” then He gets absolutely brutalized, I would say slaughtered in my place, and then resurrected Himself like he said I’m submitting to that type of Divine love.
Now back to our verses up top.
Are you living a life that your wife willingly wants to submit to your biblical authority?
If you’re paying lip service to Christianity, and not living it out, your wife knows.
She is supposed to be the most intimate earthly relationship you have. She should be the first to call you out, in love.
When you lead like you’re supposed to, she’ll submit naturally.
I believe this is where a bunch of marital issues come from for Christian couples.
She is in The Word more than you.
She serves more than you.
She takes more notes on Sunday service.
She has ladies meetings
Prayer meetings
The list could go on. It’s a literal statistic that women are more involved in a church lifestyle.
Now imagine if it was reversed. You may still have issues, spiritual attacks, and sifting from the Lord, but you’re leading correctly, and your bride will naturally stay in her lane, so to speak.
My bride and I had struggled with this, and it was until I put on my big boy pants, and became the spiritual leader I was supposed to be our arguments went to discussions. Our aggravation turned to prayers. When you lead in Christ, she follows.
Nothing against a woman whatsoever, but it takes a different kind of woman to lead a man.
That’s because it’s not her job, and she’s out of alignment.
So to finish us off,
Are you submitted to Christ the way you want your bride to submit?
If not, hit your knees and fix it.
Have you ever just thought about your day and how certain things
are a priority? One example would be sleeping each day. Most people
sleep 6-8 hours every single day of their life. It is a necessity for all of
us to get sleep each and every day. The same thing could be said about
eating. We all make time each day to eat throughout every day too.
How many of us spend 40 plus hours a week going to work? We all set
priorities in our lives. Jesus says in Luke 12:23 “For life is more than
food, and the body more than clothing” and in Matthew 4:4 “Man
shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the
mouth of God”.
If you were to make out a timesheet for every 24 hours of each
day what would that say about your priorities. Would it be something
like this: 8 hours of sleep/ 1 hour to get shower, eat breakfast, and get
ready for work/ .5 hour drive to work/ 8 hours at work/ .5 hour drive
home from work/ 1 hour to cook dinner and eat with family/ 4 hours to
watch television, talk with kids about school, scroll through social
media, go to kids sports or school activities, workout at the gym, or
maybe enjoy a hobby/ 1 hour to get ready for bed and unwind for the
day ?
All of these can be good, especially eating, sleeping, and working
to provide for your family. But how much time are we spending on our
time in the Word each day? How much time are we spending in prayer
praying over our wives, children, and those around us? How much time
are we spending on equipping our family to become more like Jesus?
Are we even doing that at all? We should all have one main priority, to
serve God with everything we have. Our finances and other resources
along with the time that we have here each day. The time that has
been given to us by Him and Him alone. Dedicating 15 minutes to read
a daily devotional, like this one, should never be all you are doing. We
should hunger for God’s Word more than we hunger for anything else.
We should have a burning drive within us to equip our wives and
children and lead them in the ways of the Lord as well!
We only have a certain amount of time here on earth before we
pass away. What will what you spent your time here say about you?
What will it look like for your wife and children after you are gone? Will
they have a solid foundation to continue their personal walk with Jesus
even through a tragedy? We are called to make sure that they ARE
READY for the battle the enemy will bring. So, let’s start making this
our main priority today! It should be the most important priority in
your life!
“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be
1 Corinthians 16:13
Kindness & Truth
“All Scripture is inspired by God and reveals his objective truth, which we boldly receive and deliver. Though we do not allow truth to be diluted, we adopt a kind and gracious approach in our delivery. True strength is shown when we choose to temper and control our emotions, and allow kindness to reign.”
Men, if we're going to be good followers of Christ, have healthy families at home, good marriages, healthy church families, and a strong brotherhood, we must ensure we operate in both kindness and in truth. Kindness and truth are two things that must definitely go together, for we cannot separate the two. All throughout Scripture we see kindness and truth married together. If you separate one from the other, it can lead to destruction, but when we put these two together, it leads to a really powerful transformative effect.
We know that the scriptures are the foundation of truth, but if we don't spend time in the scriptures, we're not availing ourselves of that truth. We literally have scripture as the standard of truth that tells us what's right and true, and what is wrong. The truth is, the Bible is powerful and it has the ability to transform us. So, the Bible is not something we should read only to learn, but it is something that we should read in order to change ourselves, to transforms our lives.
“You have been taught the Holy Scriptures from childhood. And they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God, and it's useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives? It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” 2 Timothy 3:15,16
If we are going to have a healthy marriage and family life, we have to deal in truth. It's important that we have a truthful relationship with one another, but if it's not tempered, and if it's not guided by kindness, then it brings about destruction. Without the truth, we are lost, we don't find the way without the truth, but being kind means we have adopted our strength and modified our strength so that we can deliver the truth in such a way as to bring about healthy transformation, and bring life and encouragement to other people.
“Don't you see how wonderfully kind God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can't you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?” -Romans 2:4 NLT
Kindness without truth is frankly meaningless. I can be nice to you, but if I leave you in your condition without bringing the truth, the enemy that came to steal, kill and destroy will do just that. That's why we should unashamedly talk about Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life. Any other way is leading to death and destruction, so out of love for one another, we cannot allow others to stay in a bad place without hearing the truth. But at the same time, we must do it with kindness. We must remember that truth without kindness is hurtful. If we just deliver the truth and there's no kindness with it, it just causes pain and it causes people to reject us rather than leading them towards repentance. It's the kindness that causes us to change our mind. It's the kindness that causes us to turn and think about going in a different direction.
It is God's kindness that leads us to repentance. God holds up a standard of truth that is immovable, but he delivers it to us with kindness so that we can receive it and we can repent and turn our hearts and come back to God. It's his kindness that leads us, so for truth to be effective, it must be administered with kindness. One of my favorite stories in John 4 is the story of the woman at the well. Jesus confronts her with the truth, but doing so with so much kindness that the woman believes him to be the Messiah. In the end, after having the conversation with Jesus, the Samaritan woman’s heart is so moved and transformed that she runs in to town to tell the very people she was trying to avoid about the Messiah, and she becomes the first evangelist of her time. She brings the entire village back with her and Jesus actually ends up staying with them for three days, and many of them got saved. How? They began to believe in Jesus because his kindness led them to repentance. The kindness he showed, along with the truth he brought.
Here's the thing that I love about Jesus. Jesus’s truth always calls us out with the truth, but he does it with kindness. He does it in such a way that we know we're loved and accepted. We know that he cares and he wants to move us away from sin. This whole idea of kindness and truth coming together men is so important. It's important for our families. It's important for our relationships. It's important for us as the church, as we share with the world the good news about Jesus, because these two coming together are a powerful combination.
It's important because a divided church is not a good advertisement to the world about the kindness of God. So as Christians, we share the truth of God with the world, with his love, and with his kindness. One of my favorites of the Beatitudes is where Jesus says “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the whole earth.” -Matthew 5:5. This idea of meekness is one of the things that we should think about when we're speaking the truth and we're thinking about the execution of it. We can’t be one of these people that likes to “tell it like it is”. That is not why we are here. The Earth doesn't need us to tell everybody and everything what's wrong with it? But what it does need, is for us to put on our kindness, and when we see something wrong, be a part of the solution, engage with it, and be a part of making it better. And that's what this idea of meekness is. Meekness is not weakness. It is actually strength under control. It's the ability to choose how we respond, to choose not to get angry when we're facing persecution, to choose to turn the other cheek, to choose how to go the extra mile, to choose how to love and be kind while we're still representing God’s truth, and do it with strength so that we can bring about the transformation it is purposed for! That is where we see His kindness and truth that leads us to repentance. Jesus taught us to be salt and light in the world.
Brothers, we are called to stand for truth and to do so with the same kindness that God showed to us. The kindness that led us to repentance by loving us so well that we earn the right to share the truth with others. We can make a huge difference in this world, our families, this brotherhood, and especially the church as a whole if we can embrace this aspect. For a picture to the world of the love of God and how He operates through us and for us with kindness and truth acting together, we can display an accurate view of our Savior’s heart and show what a healthy church operating in kindness and truth can do to change the world we live in. -S/F
“Show proper respect to everyone, love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, and honor the king” -1 Peter 2:17
Who Do You Think You Are?
Ephesians 1:5 “He predestined us to be adopted as sons through Jesus Christ for himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,”
We’ve done a podcast, several, on adoption, but that was to tell our stories of foster care, raise awareness, and how some of us adopted our children.
This devotional is to explain some of these key scriptures that tell us who we are.
Just like most people when someone asks about me I’ll give my name, occupation, or some accolades that will hopefully make me look good. The fact that I’m a military veteran, or I’m good at fitness, or I love golfing doesn’t describe who I am. Most of you will agree with that, but you do the same thing. At the end of the day what are you? Who are you?
Are you a father?
Are you a soldier?
Are you a business tycoon?
Are you a firefighter, teacher, or police officer?
You may be all of those things, but at it’s core as a Christian man what are you?
Adopted into God's family through Christ Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross!
With that in mind, how many of us have a longing for impressing our earthly fathers?
Most of us I would assume. It’s a common thing to want to hear your dad say “Im proud of you”
The same goes for our Heavenly Father. I hear pastors say it all the time. “When I die I want to hear well done my good and faithful servant”
It’s God given to feel that way.
If you looked at your week so far would he say well done? The past month? This year?
I know he wouldn’t say it to me. Despite how much good I think I do, recording podcast, studying, time with my kids and wife, putting out content for men’s ministry, or preparing for the next fort iron retreat I can honestly say I could’ve done more.
As long as we can say we could’ve done more I don’t think I deserve to hear “well done”.
My challenge to you is simple.
Evaluate what you’re doing for the eternal kingdom, and see where you can improve.
You are a child of God, and your adoption fees have been paid at the highest of prices so start honoring it with your words, actions, and deeds.
Throughout the New Testament it talks of our identity as adoptive sons. It's time we show how thankful, and grateful we are to be accepted in this new family, and stop acting like brats who think God owes us something. You deserve death, but you were given life
“to redeem those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.”
Galatians 4:5 CSB
“For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear. Instead, you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father!””
Romans 8:15 CSB
“See what great love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children — and we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it didn’t know him.”
1 John 3:1 CSB
“In him we have also received an inheritance, because we were predestined according to the plan of the one who works out everything in agreement with the purpose of his will,”
Ephesians 1:11 CSB
These verses and more spell out who we are. It’s time we lean into, and pursue our true identities.
So Who do you think you are?
But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.
Psalm 69:13 ESV
There are times the command to "wait upon the Lord" can seem unbearable. Whether it's the uncertainty of the future, anxiety over waiting for guidance on a decision, or the pressure of the moment, we're not comfortable in the wait. Too often we go so far as to perceive God's silence as a lack of His presence. If we're honest with ourselves, we're actually doubting God's promises and faithfulness when we despair in the wait.
Of course, our loving Father is long-suffering and puts up with us despite our lack of faith. This is a reflection of His character and certainly not anything we deserve. We're no different than our forefathers in this so at least we can say we're in good company. Abraham took it upon himself to father a child rather wait on the Lord's promise.
Joshua attacked Ai rather than wait on the Lord's direction. Saul's impatience paved the way for his loss of the kingdom. Even the apostles didn't understand what was taking place as they waited, in fear, during the gap between the crucifixion and the resurrection. There's nothing new about uncertainty. As new creations, our response through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit can be different than those who came before us.
The most important thing we can do during the waiting period is to remain active rather than stay idle. If we remain idle, our minds are likely to wander down dark paths and our flesh will associate silence with negative outcomes. Just because we can't see evidence of the Lord working, we'll tend to believe this to be true. Of course, we know this is a lie if we know Christ. When we focus on the source of our anxiety we turn our focus away from our Savior and redirect it to our situation. So what actions should we take in the midst of the silence?
As the psalmist notes in the verse above, the first thing we do is pray. Paul expresses this clearly in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 when he states, "pray without ceasing." The enemy wants us to perceive that our prayers are unheard because we believe they're not answered. Scripture, of course, tells us otherwise. Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount, right before teaching us how to pray, "Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." (Matthew 6:8). Since God knows everything, even before we ask, it's essential that we pray continually no matter how much we have to wait until He responds. The point is not that we're trying to get His attention, it's that we emphasize our trust in Him at all times and under all circumstances.
The second action to take in the midst of the waiting is to immerse ourselves in God's Word. God’s Word is living and active, God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path, God’s Word is the Living Water and the Bread of Life. Time in God’s Word brings us intimately into His presence, reveals His will and purpose for us, and nourishes us when we feel depleted. With all of this, we recognize that God’s voice is always with us. We may have to wait for the answers we’re seeking, but we know God is with us and for us during the waiting. He offers levels of comfort and compassion beyond anything else available to us. In light of this, and when coupled with prayer, why would we turn anywhere else in the midst of the wait?
The final action in the wait is to serve others. There are numerous benefits that come from serving others. First and most importantly, serving others honors God and brings Him glory. Second, serving others addresses their needs in a practical manner. Through the process of serving, the door of opportunity to witness to the lost or encourage a believer is opened. While serving others we benefit by not focusing on our circumstances and speculating, rather we put our attention on Kingdom work. This isn't to imply that serving others will cause God to respond, it simply is a better use of our time in the wait. There's nothing we can do to change God's timing, there's plenty to do in the time He's allotted us.
No one ever said waiting on the Lord would be easy, but it's always worth it because it's ultimately best for us. We can learn a lot in the wait and use the time to bear spiritual fruit. Even when God seems distant, He's always present and engaged. As men of God, seasons where we wait are opportunities for our light to shine brightest. In the midst of the season, people will witness our perseverance and trust, further authenticating our faith. When the wait comes to an end, it adds to our testimony and strengthens our witness. All in all, we draw closer to God when we trust Him in the wait.
Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
Ecclesiastes 7:8 ESV
The Root of the Righteous PTII
Proverbs 12:3 No one is established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will never be moved.
As we discussed in part I we all have a root for our thinking, decision making, and it boils down to good and bad choices.
While writing that first devotional I was not happy with the constant barrage of Pride Month, Trans Flags everywhere, and every store I walked into taking the very symbol of God’s promise, and trampling it underfoot to push wickedness.
It was brought to my attention that I sounded angry in the post by my accountability brothers here at Fort Iron. While the overall message is the same I felt it necessary to do a follow up to clarify.
In Isaiah the prophet is speaking to Israel. He is telling them all the things they’re doing wrong. You hear the phrase “Woe to those” numerous times throughout the book. He is calling his country men to repentance, and to get back on the path of righteousness.
That is exactly what needs to happen today. Men need to stand up, and stand out for their faith. John was poisoned, Peter was crucified, others sawn in half, Elijah was hated, and so was Isaiah, but these men stood up for God when no one else would.
So why did they choose that life?
Because they knew that Jesus was God.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
So out of their love for Christ the happily went through persecution to get His name glorified. They went through trials because they knew He way the only way for a better life, a hopeful eternity, finding truth, and a path to meaningful purpose.
John 14:6 I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.
So that brings us here. Why would my message seem angry? Why would some want to be angry with me for saying the things I said.
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil. Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!
Isaiah here is calling Israel out.
I’m calling it out as well as loving as I can. I’m calling you people to repent. Real Christianity is not our church services on a Sunday. That’s for the equipping of Christian’s for us to learn. Our mission is to spread the gospel (MAT28:19), expose darkness (EPH5:11),communicate that gently, and effectively (1PET3:15)
The problem is even in the church, and among Christian’s we aren’t listening to these words above.
How many Christian’s think an abortion is okay in certain circumstances?
How many Christian’s think lying is acceptable in certain circumstances?
How many Christian’s say things like I don’t want to be confrontational, or Jesus said “don’t judge”, or some other verse out of context.
How many Christian’s say to the alphabet community “you’re were born this way, and God still loves you”?
While that may be true, you may have been born gay, or trans, but Jesus said “you must be born again”
He calls us to better life not of our enjoyment, but for His glory.
I was asked one time, when discussing the abortion and rape issue, Cody if one of your daughters was raped and got pregnant would you allow her to get an abortion?
Here’s the answer for all to see. NO I WOULD NOT.
The baby doesn’t need to be punished for the crimes of his father. I believe in punishment for the violator, not the violated.
With tears streaming down my face as I hold my daughter who has just been through an unspeakable trauma, consoling her with the Word, and a fathers presence I would do everything in my power to make sure the violator had every punishment our judicial system offers up to public execution because of his crimes, but the baby that’s inside of her is not the issue, and mommy and daddy will help you as long as you need us to.
Evil is not good, and good is not evil.
There is no gray area in right and wrong. You’re either in accordance with Gods will or you’re not.
I personally, I hope you do to, strive to constantly walk in the ways the Bible lays out for me.
I pray that more Christian’s will be less concerned for how they look, and not to judge, and more concerned with daily disciplines that get in a closer relationship with God no matter the earthly consequences. I’ve lost friends, and don’t talk to some family members because although I’m not always just calling out every sin I see in my life and other I am always using every opportunity to talk about The Word, to teach my children when occasions arise that I can connect to the Bible and people don’t like it just because it makes them uncomfortable. Trust me. It makes me uncomfortable too.
I hope this clarifies, and convicts you to do better.
Love you gentlemen, my hope is we are all aligning our wills with His.
But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.
Genesis 19:26
Our actions have consequences and sometimes they are severe.
When you read through the story of Lot in Genesis and the destruction
of Sodom and Gomorrah, you can focus on Lot’s wife and blame her for
looking back. Unfortunately, she did look back and paid a heavy
consequence for that action. As men, we are called to be the leaders of
our families and we should view this story much differently.
Lot chose to live “near” Sodom and then eventually moved into
town itself. In the beginning, he might have thought that living just
outside the town would be alright, but eventually he became less and
less sensitive to the sin going on there and moved right in with them.
Instead of seeing what was going on in Sodom and running from it, he
chose to move his family into this place that was full of sin and wrong-
As time went on, and they were surrounded by all the evil there,
they became more and more desensitized to this world they were living
in. Lot himself even offered his two young daughters to the town men
to be raped and abused in order to try and save a couple of strangers
he was trying to protect. He fell into the very evil he should have run
from. Leading and protecting his wife and children was his
responsibility, but because of his choices he put his family into extreme
physical danger. More importantly, he put them into spiritual danger.
He did not lead them in the way of the Lord.
Just before Sodom is destroyed, Lot and his family were shown
grace and spared from the wrath of God. Lot was told “Do not look
back when leaving the city” and he again fell short by allowing his wife
to follow behind him. He should have let them go first as he followed
and made sure that none of his family turned around to look back.
Men, we are called to lead our families closer to God and build
them up in their walk with the Lord. Are you doing that? There are
consequences for our actions and we are held responsible for how we
lead our families. This is NOT an option! You are going to lead them…
will it be in the ways of this world or the ways of the Lord?!
“A life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump; a God-shaped life is a flourishing tree” - Proverbs 11:28
Gentlemen, I’m willing to bet that at some point in your time here on Earth, you have probably thought about what your purpose is in life? I think we’ve all had that thought cross our minds at some point. It is a loaded question, and one I’d like to try to shed some light on for you.
How many of you consider yourselves to be ambitious? You know, are you the kind of man that has set goals and dreams, and takes on the day to day doing what you can to achieve those goals? Sounds like something that should be an admirable trait, right? Well, it depends on if those goals, dreams, and ambitions are GOD centered or self-centered. Be honest, do you ask yourself … What do I want to be? What do I want to do with my life? What are my goals? My ambitions? My dreams for my future? If you do, then like me, you are guilty of trying to fulfill your life by your own purpose and not God’s. Now don’t get me wrong, you should set goals, be disciplined, aim high, never give up, and try achieving those goals. You could actually do all these things and become a huge success, ... but understand that even though reaching personal goals might give you success by the world’s standard, you could still be missing the purpose for which God created you.
To discover our purpose in life, men, we must turn to God's Word, not the world’s wisdom. We need to understand that we were born by His purpose for His purpose! And that purpose for our lives is far greater than our own personal fulfillment. God’s purpose for our lives is far greater than our career, our dreams, and ambitions, and even our own happiness. He is our Creator, we only exist because God wills that we exist. We were made by God, for God. It is only in God that we discover not only our origin, but our identity, our significance, and our destiny. Any other path we take, that does not go through Jesus, is just like spinning our wheels.
I have four older siblings, and each of them are a year apart ... the youngest is 10 years older than me. So, I always assumed I was an “accident”. Well brothers if you are like me and have ever had that thought, let me tell you that we are dead wrong. God does not make mistakes. There may be illegitimate parents but there are no illegitimate children. We were all born for a reason, on purpose!
My son’s name is Jeremiah, and he is an athlete. We chose the number 15 for him because of this following scriptures: “Before you were born, I set you apart.” Jeremiah 1:5
“For I know the plans I have for you, plans for good and not of disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
God was thinking of each one of us before we even existed. He already had a plan and purpose for each one of us. God’s motivation for creating us is pure love. Our job is to discover our identity and purpose through a relationship with Jesus Christ. His purpose for us is what we need to strive for. You may choose your career, your hobbies, or even your spouse, but you don’t get to choose your purpose!
“The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him.” Romans 12:3
God loves us all so much that we sometimes forget that we are living and breathing because our Almighty Father in Heaven wants a relationship with us and has a very distinct purpose for each and every one of us. We all need to dive into His Word daily and continue to strengthen our walk with Christ so that we may discover His purpose for us. I truly believe that in time, He will reveal it to us all.
Brothers, I pray today that we all become humbled by God’s enormous love for us. We must learn to steward this life He has given us and really strive to not only know Him better, but to fulfill HIS purpose in our lives! Here at Fort Iron we encourage you to get that fire for God burning, and it is my hope that after reading this, there is a fire sparked inside of you to take charge of your daily life. If it is stagnant, energize it with the Word of God; if you feel like your wheels are spinning, dive into your relationship with Jesus; if it is lacking, fill your days with the overwhelming love God has for you!
I hope these words encourage you to have confidence in your existence, and know that God has made you for a purpose. I challenge you all, my brothers in Christ, to seek your purpose through an intimate relationship with Christ, speak with purpose, walk with purpose, and be the light wherever you go!
The Root of the Righteous
Proverbs 12:3 “No one is established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will never be moved”
Now we know that “no one is righteous” ROM3:10 except Christ. We’re called to “be holy for I am holy” 1PET1:16
So how can we?
It starts like everything else: a seed is planted, and roots begin to be established. These roots can only be made in two types of ground. Soft, or Hard.
Hard ground the roots are shallow. There’s no depth to the roots, so, when a storm comes the tree is knocked down.
Soft ground, however, allows the roots to drive deep into the earth, and spread themselves wide so when that same storm comes that tree is still standing at the end of it.
Wickedness, like the type we see today, is a problem. They (the ominous they) are quite literally telling us that evil things are good. Pastors are giving people what their itching ears want to hear, and there is enough trans pride flying around that’ll make anyone sick to their stomach.
What does the trans community, fake pastors, and people calling evil good all have in common?
Every one of them. If you’ve ever had a conversation with them, and ask them to explain they can’t, or they flat out refuse too.
“The root of the righteous”
So if the wicked are liars, what would the root of the righteous be?
Hopefully you readers are logical thinkers and know the opposite of lies are truths.
That’s right though, the root of the righteous is truth.
What is truth? (Podcast shoutout we did an entire episode on it)
Truth by definition is a fact that is reality at all times for all involved.
Example; if I say it’s cold. That’s a relative truth to myself.
If I say on January 21,2023 at 04:47 it in 34 degrees Fahrenheit in North Augusta, Sc. That’s an absolute truth.
Being grounded in truth is like a tree in the good soft soil. The roots to truth are deep, and wide, and the truth will stand up to whatever storm, no matter how bad it may seem. When the storm passes facts will be facts.
Don’t sit idly by and let these liars ruin our great nation.
Learn ways to explain the truth with gentleness, and respect. 1PET3:15
I genuinely love these people because I see a field ripe for harvest time. LUKE10:2
They are so lost, and people in our families, in our places of work, and everyday conversations everywhere people are trying to rationalize what they know to be a lie.
It’s our jobs as loving men to speak the truth no matter how hard, and be able to defend that position.
You will be called names. Hater, Bigot, Homophobic, Transphobic, Bible Thumper, Racist and worse. (Ask them what they mean by that, it stumps them)
Doesn’t matter because you maybe the only person to ever speak truth into that person's life.
Dr. Frank Turek said “You know why people are talked out of Christianity, it’s because they’ve never been talked into it.”
Remember your roots are truth, and the truth is hard to argue with when someone is prepared to defend it.
"Did God actually say" (Gen. 3:1).... confusion. "You will not surely" (Gen. 3:4).... deception. Although we don't know the length of time between the purity of Gen. 2:25 and the fall in Gen. 3, we see the cascading consequences to this day. The tactics of deception and confusion haven't changed in all this time. They're the building blocks that create optionalism, temptation, rebellion, and rejection. In Matt. 4:4 Jesus quotes Deut. 8:3 to counter the confusion and deception tactics of the enemy. Our Lord did this under adverse conditions in hostile territory. He certainly could have used other means to crush the enemy. Instead, He chose to use His hardship to lovelingly teach us the importance of knowing the Word.
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32
When the enemy whispers, "did God really say?", the only way to know for sure is to start by reading what God really said. Reading the Word without studying it, meditating on it, and memorizing it robs us of.the opportunity to make His Word part of us. Jesus spells this out clearly in the verses above. We are to abide in His Word. When we skim or skip, we give up our freedom and become slaves to sin.
The reality is when we abide in God's Word, the Spirit uses it to nourish our soul, guide our steps, and renew our mind. His Word, coupled with the presence of the Spirit, gives us the ability to take every thought captive in obedience to Christ. We are able to determine His good, perfect, and pleasing will. From there, we are not only hearers but also doers of His will. One who abides in the Word of God is not easily deceived or confused. As Jesus explained to His disciples, the Counselor will remind us and enlighten us on all of what Jesus taught us.
The enemy is cunning, ruthless, and relentless. The enemy thrives on chaos and confusion, using deception as a way to draw us sheep away from our Shepherd. Once we're alone and isolated, the enemy uses temptation to engage our flesh. When we succumb and indulge our ungodly desires, the enemy uses guilt and condemnation to divide our heart and destroy our hope. The enemy is so arrogant, he hasn't changed his tactics since they first seemingly proved successful in the garden. Being alert to these tactics, resisting the devil, and fleeing from temptation by the power of the Spirit within us, thwarts the attack. God's Word keeps us on our toes at all times. The psalmist expressed it well when he wrote, "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11)
The attack is real and the strategy of the enemy is evident. The man of God is not caught unaware. The Word of God gives us our victory, but we must be prepared.
Are you prepared?
Common To Man
1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”
Paul is talking to the people of Corinth, and telling them everything they’ve done, and faced is common to man. He lists in prior versus through this chapter times when the Israelites fell prey to the same sin, and says that “Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction,” (1COR10:11)
We are supposed to look at how the one before us acted, and behaved so that we have examples of what to do, and not to do. Their successes, and failures were written down for our instruction.
Isn’t that the entire Bible?
We read it, and see connection to the ancient history that feels so long ago, but also can see the same thing happening today. So to diligently study the scripture, and interpret it properly to find what God was to do then and now take time.
I know everything is our fast paced lives takes time in our culture. The wants are ever changing, and the needs are ever growing, but the need above all other needs is time.
We need more time with the wife, more time with the kids, more alone time for ourselves, and most time at work to afford the increasing prices of everything. Can I just recommend one thing to you readers, We Need More Time In The Word.
We need more time in the word because spending our time with the Lord will help us gain understanding of what God wants us to do. Time with Him in His word will help us prioritize where we need to spend our time. We will be more focused on the Kingdom of Heaven, and less time on the Kingdom of self.
Proverbs 1:7 says “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
Do we as men, as heads of household do we really fear the Lord? Some may have knowledge of the Lord, but do you know Him so well that you fear Him? I be honest sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I’ll get in my head and think myself out of my reading time, or devotional time with my wife, or skip catechizing my kids, but if I think on it I know it’s wrong. I know I’m supposed to be catechizing my kids, I know I’m supposed to be leading my wife. I know if I choose not to do those things that I have failed in my duties as husband , and father and I will be held accountable for their lack of guidance. I believe every man feels it to. Deep down you know you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing. You know you’re failing your wife, and kids based on biblical standards.
But how do you know what the standards are? You them because Jesus Himself laid out an example, and taught you how. The scriptures haven’t changed in over 2000 years more than 1%, and those are chalked up to literally discrepancies. So the teaching and message is still there and the same.
Jesus Was Prophet, Priest, Protector, and Provider.
Charles Spurgeon says Priest, Prophet, and King, but in todays terminology a King Protects, and provides for his people.
So Jesus shows us the example boy living a sinless life. He teaches us throughout Gospel how to do it. He tells us of what happens if we don’t, and yet we still live day to day as if this is just some ancient book without eternal consequences.
The opening verse 1 Corinthians 10:13 lets us know right at the end a glimmer of hope. “With the temptation he will also provide a way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”
The temptation of time wasting is a struggle every man faces. God gives you a way out of it, but He lets you choose. I think he is seeing if you really want to be His follower.
So at the end of the day it is up to you to choose to spend time with God, or not.
Do you want to answer for these decisions? I know I don’t.
Happy or Holy?
Happy or Holy?
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4 ESV
In all of human history, we live in times of incredible material prosperity. Not only do we have more stuff than ever before, it takes a lot less effort to get that stuff whenever and wherever we want. Is this a reflection of God's blessing or is it the result of our pursuit of happiness? Do we think we deserve a comfortable life because somehow God wants to spoil His children? I hope you agree God's intention is not to appease our material cravings nor is it to spoil us because we're such good kids. If you disagree with me, please comment below. I'd like to understand your reasoning and perspective.
The psalmist gives us the key to experiencing the fullness of God's blessing, delighting ourselves in Him. When we align what we want to the will of God, His presence is all we'll ever want. It's not a matter of whether or not God wants you to have stuff, even nice stuff, it's our contentment in the knowledge that His provision is exactly what we need. We teach our children to distinguish between wants and needs. When we delight ourselves in the Lord, we get both.
It's also not a matter of earning rewards for good behavior. Christ's atoning sacrifice on the cross is the ultimate reward despite our bad behavior. God is holy and to be in His presence, we must be holy too. The problem, of course, is we are incapable of achieving this on our own. Through Jesus's sacrifice and victory over death, we've gotten everything we need. If we confess with our mouths that He is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
When we minimize Christ's loving sacrifice, we distance ourselves from contentment and deceive ourselves into thinking God somehow owes us something. We lose sight of Who God is and who we are in comparison. For example, when a loved one faces a grave health issue, we think because we pray that God is obligated to heal. Make no mistake, He hears all prayers and answers them in His perfect timing according to His perfect will. We don’t understand when He doesn't heal which can lead to emotional pain and an impulse to distance ourselves from God. We forget that He offers us comfort in the storm, strength to persevere, and an eternal future absent of pain, hurt and suffering. Clinging to these promises, thus delighting ourselves in Him despite seasons of pain or hardship, is the how we get the desire of our heart, namely peace and contentment.
The world will suggest that more stuff will somehow fulfill the desires of our hearts. Stuff wears our, gets replaced by a newer version, or simply loses its appeal over time. Stuff wants to be chased and like fish, too often we take the bait and get the hook. Shifting the focus from stuff to God changes everything. God pursues us, God never changes and God fills us with His love to the point of overflow so we in turn can extend His love to others.
Ask yourself what truly are the desires of your heart. Don't settle for stuff that moths, rust and interest payments will cheapen. Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and watch what God will do.
It’s Your Job
For those who have been to “The Fort” and those who haven’t but personally know the four of know one of the biggest issues we talk about is legacy. Multigenerational Legacies to be exact. Our God makes generational promises, so in turn we must plan generationally.
Deuteronomy 6:1-2 “Now this is the commandment—the statutes and the rules—that the LORD your God commanded me to teach you, that you may do them in the land to which you are going over, to possess it, that you may fear the LORD your God, you and your son and your son's son, by keeping all his statutes and his commandments, which I command you, all the days of your life, and that your days may be long.
Moses is preparing to read the law to Israel so that they may go into the promised land. He is also setting an example for the men. He basically said in verse one God told me to teach you these things, and “you and your son, and your sons son”
Deuteronomy 6:6-8 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
Here is the answer to the how of verse one “fear the Lord your God….keeping all his statutes”
NOT your pastor, NOT the youth pastor, NOT Fort Iron, NOT the Awana Staff YOU.
It is your job to teach the fear of the Lord to your family.
Matthew Henry said “Turn your families into little churches”
I believe he was right. The more I study to teach my wife and children the more I see men absolutely failing their families. The proof is in the statistics of the modern church.
I’ll post some links for you to see yourself.
Think about the last time you and your family intentionally set down, prayed together, read the scriptures together, and sang a song of praise to God.
Those 3 small things are the art of Family Worship. It has been of vital importance since before Benjamin Keach edited the 1677 London Confession of Faith, but it goes back further than that.
I can show you real quick in genesis. Remember when Abraham was to sacrifice Issac. They get up there, and Issac says
Genesis 22:7 And Isaac said to his father Abraham, “My father!” And he said, “Here I am, my son.” He said, “Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?”
How did Isaac know at such a young age what was required for a burnt offering?
Take a moment and ask your family what their views are on
View of God
View of Man
View of Truth
View of Knowledge
View of Ethics
These 5 basic elements and your thoughts on them make up your worldview. If your families or your thoughts on these do not link up with scripture you’ve got work to do.
So to close us out. Take the example above to “feel out” your family to figure out where to start. Take the time to discuss, and lead your family, hopefully, daily in the things of God.
When you do this you are raising the statistical numbers that if your children grow up to leave the church it will be because of rebellion on their part not lack of commitment to The Lord on yours.
I know a lot of men have given up. Now is not the time to roll over. Now is the time to take back our families, and instill sound doctrine into their lives NOT the filth they get filled with on a daily basis.
In Christ,