What’s Next?
I'm writing this the day after Resurrection Sunday. One of the Fort Iron graduates posed a question, "after yesterday what do we do next?" He gave a great answer, "press on and advance the Kingdom." Although rhetorical, his question got me thinking.
I went back to the source of course, God's Word. I was led to Luke 9 which is where Jesus's final journey to Jerusalem began. Chapter 9 and the ensuing chapters that cover the trip are packed with incredible teaching. In the midst of it all, what stood out to me was a phrase in Luke 9:51.
When the days drew near for Him to be taken up, He set His face to go to Jerusalem.
"He set His face"
In the original Greek, the phrase "He set His face", includes the word στηρίζω (ster-EED-zo) which translates to "steadfast" or "determined". Jesus had resolve, focus, and singleness of purpose. If you read Luke 9 through 19, you'll encounter miracles, parables, and discipling but ultimately that was not Jesus's primary reason for making the journey. He had a fight to finish, a victory to win, and a Kingdom to reclaim. Jesus never wavered in His focus and this is a lesson for all of us. When it comes to Kingdom work, remain steadfast and don't let distractions get in the way.
As more times passes after Resurrection Sunday, it's easy to fall into the distractions of the familiar. Family activities, work deadlines and other tasks can cause our Resurrection Sunday passion to fade. We tend to start our Holy Week focus with the Triumphal Entry. This year, let's start our focus now and be στηρίζω like Jesus is στηρίζω. Jesus knew His mission and He's made ours clear... Matthew 28:18-20!
What are we waiting for? Let's get after it!