Not Our Own
There are certain times that we tend to think about our health and wellbeing. Maybe it is a new year’s resolution, your birthday as you reflect on your age, when you see a loved one struggling with their health, or possibly when you yourself find yourself struggling with sickness, or a health issue. Whatever the cause, we have all thought about our health at one time or another.
As a Christian this should be something that we are constantly looking at and reviewing. We should have a longing to protect and provide for the body that we have been given. This life here on earth is short and if we are going to make the most of it then we must look at how we treat the body we have while here.
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Neglecting your body and not taking care of it is a sin. How we do this might look a little different for each of us and it is not necessarily about going to the gym five times a week, running three times a week, or watching every single calorie that you consume. This is about a mindset that we are to take care of what God has given us. Nothing is ours, it is all His, our finances, our abilities, talents, the time He gives us each day, and also the bodies we have while here. We must steward everything well… INCLUDING OUR BODIES.
We need to look at our bodies as a gift from God just like we would with any of the other gifts that He has so richly blessed us with. We can easily overlook the fact that life itself, the body in which we came in is sustained here on earth, is truly a gift from God. Yes, we know this but we unfortunately overlook it more than we should.
Let us not take for granted the health we have, and can work towards today before it is too late. We have only one body. Let’s make the most of it so we can make the most of the opportunities we have to serve our Lord and Savior and to bring Him glory and honor!