Miracle - an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.
That's the definition given by Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Divine intervention in human affairs can be seen in only a few places in the bible. Moses and Joshua. Elijah and Elisha. Jesus and His Disciples. If you ask the average christian today or even non believers they think the bible is full of miracle after miracle. It’s not, Miracles throughout scripture are used to show the world that God has appointed said person to bring a message.
The purpose of this is because anyone can say “Thus says the Lord” and follow it up with a lie. To be completely sure that these people were sent from God, Our Lord intervened in their humanity with supernatural acts that 1. Can only be explained by God and 2. Because it can only be explained by God, these men were sent from God.
This is just a short devotional on my thoughts of “why nonbelievers think christians are…..” you can fill in the blank. Every other worship song and church meeting on a sunday is constantly talking about miracles. We have dumbed it down to a point where if we have an unexpected “buy one get one free” deal at our local Arby’s we say “thanks for today’s miracle jesus.”
Using the above definition would that count as a miracle, NO.
Moses and the rock shooting water out of it to give water to millions in the desert. That's a miracle.
Elijah and calling down fire from heaven. That’s a miracle.
Jesus healing eyes, hands, and lepers. That is a miracle.
All of those examples are divine interventions in human affairs.
The challenge of this devotional is to have you reflect on what miracles are and how we describe and use them in our biblical studies.